
Here is the list of Publications

90 Lipid vesicles induced ordered nanoassemblies of Janus nanoparticles
Zhu Y., Sharma A., Spangler E.J., Carrillo J.Y., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Soft Matter10.1039/d2sm01693a
89 Collective vortical motion and vorticity reversals of self-propelled particles on circularly patterned substrates
Wen H., Zhu Y., Peng C., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M. Physical Review E10.1103/PhysRevE.107.024606
88 Active membrane recycling induced morphology changes in vesicles
Sachin Krishnan T.V., Sunil Kumar P.B.Frontiers in Physics10.3389/fphy.2022.1003558
87 Sorting of proteins with shape and curvature anisotropy on a lipid bilayer tube
Vyas P., Kumar P.B.S., Das S.L.Soft Matter10.1039/d2sm00077f
86 Collective motion of cells modeled as ring polymers
Wen H., Zhu Y., Peng C., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Soft Matter10.1039/d1sm01640g
85 Active Remodeling of Chromatin and Implications for In Vivo Folding
Natesan R., Gowrishankar K., Kuttippurathu L., Kumar P.B.S., Rao M.Journal of Physical Chemistry B10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c08655
84 Penetrant-Induced Glass-like Transition in Thin Chitosan Films
Murali A., Ganesan M., Satapathy D.K., Kumar P.B.S.Journal of Physical Chemistry B10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c07903
83 Conformational behavior and self-assembly of disjoint semi-flexible ring polymers adsorbed on solid substrates
Zhu Y., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Soft Matter10.1039/d1sm00500f
82 Binding, unbinding and aggregation of crescent-shaped nanoparticles on nanoscale tubular membranes
Spangler E.J., Olinger A.D., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Soft Matter10.1039/d0sm01642j
81 Modification of lipid membrane compressibility induced by an electric field
Prathyusha K.R., Pagonabarraga I., Kumar P.B.S.Physical Review E10.1103/PhysRevE.102.062413
80 Models for membrane curvature sensing of curvature generating proteins
Krishnan T.V.S., Das S.L., Kumar P.B.S.Pramana - Journal of Physics10.1007/s12043-020-1915-z
79 Adhesion and Aggregation of Spherical Nanoparticles on Lipid Membranes
Laradji M., Kumar P.B.S., Spangler E.J.Chemistry and Physics of Lipids10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2020.104989
78 Correction to: Linking catalyst-coated isotropic colloids into 'active' flexible chains enhances their diffusivity (ACS Nano (2017) 11: 10 (10025-10031) DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b04265)
Biswas B., Manna R.K., Laskar A., Kumar P.B.S., Adhikari R., Kumaraswamy G.ACS Nano10.1021/acsnano.9b03970
77 Transition from curvature sensing to generation in a vesicle driven by protein binding strength and membrane tension
Sachin Krishnan T.V., Das S.L., Kumar P.B.S.Soft Matter10.1039/c8sm02623h
76 Emergent topological phenomena in active polymeric fluids
Manna R.K., Kumar P.B.S.Soft Matter10.1039/c8sm01981a
75 Toward Transferable Coarse-Grained Potentials for Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons: A Force Matching Approach
Tripathy M., Agarwal U., Kumar P.B.S.Macromolecular Theory and Simulations10.1002/mats.201800040
74 Protein-induced morphological deformations of biomembranes
Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Physics of Biological Membranes10.1007/978-3-030-00630-3_20
73 Lipid-protein interaction induced domains: Kinetics and conformational changes in multicomponent vesicles
Sreeja K.K., Kumar P.B.S.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.5022494
72 Kosmotropic effect leads to LCST decrease in thermoresponsive polymer solutions
Bharadwaj S., Sunil Kumar P.B., Komura S., Deshpande A.P.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.5012838
71 Stability of membrane-induced self-assemblies of spherical nanoparticles
Spangler E.J., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Soft Matter10.1039/c8sm00537k
70 Linking Catalyst-Coated Isotropic Colloids into "active" Flexible Chains Enhances Their Diffusivity
Biswas B., Manna R.K., Laskar A., Kumar P.B.S., Adhikari R., Kumaraswamy G.ACS Nano10.1021/acsnano.7b04265
69 Molecular Structuring and Percolation Transition in Hydrated Sulfonated Poly(ether ether ketone) Membranes
Tripathy M., Kumar P.B.S., Deshpande A.P.Journal of Physical Chemistry B10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b01045
68 Numerical insights into the phase diagram of p-atic membranes with spherical topology
Hansen A.G., Ramakrishnan N., Sunil Kumar P.B., Ipsen J.H.European Physical Journal E10.1140/epje/i2017-11515-7
67 Spherically Symmetric Solvent is Sufficient to Explain the LCST Mechanism in Polymer Solutions
Bharadwaj S., Kumar P.B.S., Komura S., Deshpande A.P. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations10.1002/mats.201600073
66 Colloidal transport by active filaments
Manna R.K., Kumar P.B.S., Adhikari R.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.4972010
65 Exploring large-scale phenomena in composite membranes through an efficient implicit-solvent model
Laradji M., Sunil Kumar P.B., Spangler E.J.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics10.1088/0022-3727/49/29/293001
64 How Much Can We Coarse-Grain while Retaining the Chemical Specificity? A Study of Sulfonated Poly(ether ether ketone)
Tripathy M., Deshpande A.P., Kumar P.B.S.Macromolecular Theory and Simulations10.1002/mats201500077
63 Flow-induced nonequilibrium self-assembly in suspensions of stiff, apolar, active filaments
Pandey A., Sunil Kumar P.B., Adhikari R.Soft Matter10.1039/c6sm02104b
62 Membrane invagination induced by Shiga toxin B-subunit: From molecular structure to tube formation
Pezeshkian W., Hansen A.G., Johannes L., Khandelia H., Shillcock J.C., Kumar P.B.S., Ipsen J.H.Soft Matter10.1039/c6sm00464d
61 Membrane-mediated aggregation of anisotropically curved nanoparticlesOlinger A.D.,
Spangler E.J., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Faraday Discussions10.1039/c5fd00144g
60 Curvature inducing macroion condensation driven shape changes of fluid vesicles
Sreeja K.K., Ipsen J.H., Sunil Kumar P.B.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.4935596
59 Monte Carlo simulations of fluid vesicles
Sreeja K.K., Ipsen J.H., Sunil Kumar P.B.Journal of Physics Condensed Matter10.1088/0953-8984/27/27/273104
58 Organelle morphogenesis by active membrane remodelling
Ramakrishnan N., Ipsen J.H., Rao M., Kumar P.B.S.Soft Matter10.1039/c4sm02311k
57 Kinetics of domain registration in multicomponent lipid bilayer membranesSornbundit K., Modchang C., Triampo W., Triampo D., Nuttavut N., Sunil Kumar P.B., Laradji M.Soft Matter10.1039/c4sm01059k8
56 Mesoscale computational studies of membrane bilayer remodeling by curvature-inducing proteins
Ramakrishnan N., Sunil Kumar P.B., Radhakrishnan R.Physics Reports10.1016/j.physrep.2014.05.001
55 Combined effect of cortical cytoskeleton and transmembrane proteins on domain formation in biomembranes
Sikder M.K.U., Stone K.A., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.4890655
54 Rheology of concentrated sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) solutions
Gupta M., Deshpande A.P., Kumar P.B.S.Journal of Applied Polymer Science10.1002/app.40044
53 27th Annual CSP Workshops on "Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics", CSP 2014 A computational study of blebbing in lipid membranes
Spangler E., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Physics Procedia10.1016/j.phpro.2014.08.128
52 Dynamics of a polyelectrolyte in simple shear flow
Jayasree K., Kumar Manna R., Banerjee D., Kumar P.B.S.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.4837218
51 Shear-thinning and isotropic-lamellar-columnar transition in a model for living polymers
Prathyusha K.R., Deshpande A.P., Laradji M., Sunil Kumar P.B.Soft Matter10.1039/c3sm51715b
50 Hydrodynamic instabilities provide a generic route to spontaneous biomimetic oscillations in chemomechanically active filaments
Laskar A., Singh R., Ghose S., Jayaraman G., Sunil Kumar P.B., Adhikari R.Scientific Reports10.1038/srep01964
49 Predictions of phase separation in three-component lipid membranes by the MARTINI force fieldDavis R.S., Sunil Kumar P.B., Sperotto M.M., Laradji M.Journal of Physical Chemistry B10.1021/jp400068650
48 Membrane-mediated aggregation of curvature-inducing nematogens and membrane tubulation
Ramakrishnan N., Sunil Kumar P.B., Ipsen J.H.Biophysical Journal10.1016/j.bpj.2012.12.045
47 Anomalous freezing behavior of nanoscale liposomes
Spangler E.J., Sunil Kumar P.B., Laradji M.Soft Matter10.1039/c2sm25974e
46 Autonomous motility of active filaments due to spontaneous flow-symmetry breaking
Jayaraman G., Ramachandran S., Ghose S., Laskar A., Bhamla M.S., Kumar P.B.S., Adhikari R.Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.158302
45 Stiffness transition in anisotropic fiber nets
Åström J.A., Sunil Kumar P.B., Karttunen M.Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics10.1103/PhysRevE.86.021922
44 Role of disclinations in determining the morphology of deformable fluid interfaces
Ramakrishnan N., Ipsen J.H., Kumar P.B.S.Soft Matter10.1039/c2sm07384f
43 Computer simulation of cytoskeleton-induced blebbing in lipid membranes
Spangler E.J., Harvey C.W., Revalee J.D., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics10.1103/PhysRevE.84.051906
42 Modeling anisotropic elasticity of fluid membranes
Ramakrishnan N., Kumar P.B.S., Ipsen J.H.Macromolecular Theory and Simulations10.1002/mats.201100002
41 Coarse-Grained Computer Simulations of Multicomponent Lipid Membranes
Laradji M., Sunil Kumar P.B.Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes10.1016/B978-0-12-387720-8.00007-8
40 Rheology of complex fluids
Deshpande A.P., Krishnan J.M., Kumar P.B.S.Rheology of Complex Fluids10.1007/978-1-4419-6494-6
39 Preface
Deshpande A.P., Krishnan J.M., Kumar P.B.S.Rheology of Complex Fluids10.1007/978-1-4419-6494-6
38 Effects of counterion size on the attraction between similarly charged surfaces
Zelko J., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V., Kumar P.B.S.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.3506896
37 Myosin motor mediated contraction is enough to produce cytokinesis in the absence of polymerisation
Åström J.A., Von Alfthan S., Sunil Kumar P.B., Karttunen M.Soft Matter10.1039/c0sm00134a
36 Monte Carlo simulations of fluid vesicles with in-plane orientational ordering
Ramakrishnan N., Sunil Kumar P.B., Ipsen J.H.Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics10.1103/PhysRevE.81.041922
35 Shear induced ordering in branched living polymer solutions
Thakur S., Prathyusha K.R., Deshpande A.P., Laradji M., Kumar P.B.S. Soft Matter10.1039/b915339j
34 Chapter 10 Attraction of Like-Charged Surfaces Mediated by Spheroidal Nanoparticles with Spatially Distributed Electric Charge. Theory and Simulation
Bohinc K., Zelko J., Kumar P.B.S., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V.Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes10.1016/S1554-4516(09)09010-3
33 Phase behavior of multicomponent membranes: Experimental and computational techniques
Bagatolli L., Sunil Kumar P.B.Soft Matter10.1039/b901866b
32 Aster formation and rupture transition in semi-flexible fiber networks with mobile cross-linkers
Åström J.A., Kumar P.B.S., Karttunen M.Soft Matter10.1039/b815892d
31 Coarsening through directed droplet coalescence in fluid-fluid phase separation
Thakur S., Pullarkat P.A., Kumar P.B.S.Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics10.1103/PhysRevE.80.011708
30 Lateral organization of lipids In multi-component liposomes
Ramachandran S., Laradji M., Sunil Kumar P.B.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan10.1143/JPSJ.78.041006
29 Equilibrium properties of a grafted polyelectrolyte with explicit counterions
Jayasree K., Ranjith P., Rao M., Kumar P.B.S.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.3078265
28 Dissipative particle dynamics of self-assembled multi-component lipid membranes
Laradji M., Sunil Kumar P.B.Springer Proceedings in Physics10.1007/978-3-540-85625-2_19
27 Lipid flip-flop driven mechanical and morphological changes in model membranes
Ramachandran S., Kumar P.B.S., Laradji M.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.2981564
26 Attraction between negatively charged surfaces mediated by spherical counterions with quadrupolar charge distribution
Urbanija J., Bohinc K., Bellen A., Maset S., Iglič A., Kralj-Iglič V., Kumar P.B.S.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.2972980
25 Strain hardening, avalanches, and strain softening in dense cross-linked actin networks
Åström J.A., Kumar P.B.S., Vattulainen I., Karttunen M.Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics10.1103/PhysRevE.77.051913
24 Implicit-solvent mesoscale model based on soft-core potentials for self-assembled lipid membranes
Revalee J.D., Laradji M., Sunil Kumar P.B.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.2825300
23 Self-propulsion of nematic drops: Novel phase separation dynamics in impurity-doped nematogens
Thakur S., Kumar P.B.S., Madhusudana N.V., Pullarkat P.A.Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.115701
22 A Lattice-Boltzmann model for suspensions of self-propelling colloidal particles
Ramachandran S., Kumar P.B.S., Pagonabarraga I.European Physical Journal E10.1140/epje/i2006-10009-1
21 Anomalously slow domain growth in fluid membranes with asymmetric transbilayer lipid distribution
Laradji M., Kumar P.B.S.Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics10.1103/PhysRevE.73.040901
20 Domain growth, budding, and fission in phase-separating self-assembled fluid bilayers
Laradji M., Kumar P.B.S.Journal of Chemical Physics10.1063/1.2102894
19 Distribution functions, loop formation probabilities, and force-extension relations in a model for short double-stranded DNA molecules
Ranjith P., Kumar P.B.S., Menon G.I. Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.138102
18 Dynamics of domain growth in self-assembled fluid vesicles
Laradji M., Kumar P.B.S.Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.198105
17 Self-organized pattern formation in motor-microtubule mixturesSankararaman S., Menon G.I., Sunil Kumar P.B.Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics10.1103/PhysRevE.70.03190555
16 Modelling Pattern Formation in Motor-Microtubule Mixtures
Sankararaman S., Menon G.I., Sunil Kumar P.B.Physica Scripta T
15 Dynamics of a semiflexible filament under external force
Ranjith P., Sunil Kumar P.B.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications10.1016/S0378-4371(02)01418-8
14 Scale invariance in coarsening of binary and ternary fluids
Lakshmi K.C., Sunil Kumar P.B.Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics10.1103/PhysRevE.67.011507
13 Scale invariance in coarsening of binary and ternary fluids
Lakshmi K.C., Sunil Kumar P.B.Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
12 Two-component fluid membranes near repulsive walls: Linearized hydrodynamics of equilibrium and nonequilibrium states
Sankararaman S., Menon G.I., Sunil Kumar P.B.Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics10.1103/PhysRevE.66.031914
11 Dynamics of Folding in Semiflexible Filaments
Ranjith P., Kumar P.B.S.Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.018302
10 Budding dynamics of multicomponent membranes
Sunil Kumar P.B., Gompper G., Lipowsky R.Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.3911
9 Modulated phases in multicomponent fluid membranes
Kumar P.B.S., Gompper G., Lipowsky R.Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics10.1103/PhysRevE.60.4610
8 Shape instabilities in the dynamics of a two-component fluid membrane
Kumar P.B.S., Rao M.Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.2489
7 Kumar and rao reply
Sunil Kumar P.B., Rao M.Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.1169
6 Imbibition: Experiment and simulation
Kumar P.B.S., Jana D.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications10.1016/0378-4371(95)00356-8
5 Modulations in the diffracted intensity in chiral smectic-C liquid crystalsSah Y., Sunil Kumar P.B., Suresh K.A.Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics10.1103/PhysRevE.54.30251
4 Novel monte carlo approach to the dynamics of fluids: Single-particle diffusion, correlation functions, and phase ordering of binary fluids
Sunil Kumar P.B., Rao M.Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.1067
3 Kinectics of phase ordering in a two-component fluid membrane
Sunil Kumar P.B., Rao M.Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals10.1080/10587259608034588
2 Symmetry properties of anisotropic dielectric gratings
Galatola P., Oldano C., Sunil Kumar P.B.Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision10.1364/JOSAA.11.001332
1 Optical diffraction in chiral smectic-C liquid crystals
Suresh K.A., Sah Y., Sunil Kumar P.B., Ranganath G.S.Physical Review Letters10.1103/PhysRevLett.72.2863